
Fundis Gains New Partners Ahead Of Launch

Fundis is getting close to launch and many new interesting partners have joined the fundraising revolution! We’re particularly happy to welcome world’s largest pizza chain Pizza Hut to Fundis! Other Fundis restaurants include Nepalese Mount Kailash in Jätkäsaari, legendary seaside hotspot Cafe Carusel, Pasila’s Bangladeshi Rannagor,

But it is not just delicious food that is available through Fundis! You can experience modern and interesting theatre at Teatteri Toivo that also offers a fantastic event space for private and corporate functions. To keep stylish, we suggest Hair and Beauty by Blacklake in Tampere. You can even keep your home safe and secure with locksmith services by Laatulukko!

On the beneficiary side there has been even more activity: numerous sports clubs, charities and associations have joined Fundis! Football clubs have been especially active with Laajasalon Palloseura, FC Kontu, Malmin Palloseura and FC Futura Juniorit all now part of Fundis. The legendary Porin Ässät became the first ice hockey’s top division club to join Fundis, whilst Kouvot represents basketballs elite and brought in also their youngsters Kouvot Juniorit. Suomen Judoliitto adds classic martial arts to Fundis and Pakilan Voimistelijat is our first gymnastics partner. We’re also extremely proud and happy to welcome Icehearts that fights agains inequality by supporting children’s right for healthy hobbies.

However, there’s a lot more to Fundis than just sports. Paikallisyhdistysten Liitto (PYL) helps different associations and Helpe ry saves lives quite literally as they promote safety. We also have culture, as Lyckokatter and Sunny Singers bring music to Fundis, and the previously mentioned Teatteri Toivo is also a recipient as well as a merchant!

More partners join Fundis every day so the situation keeps on changing, which is very exciting!

Pizza Hut Finland CEO Janne Einola (second from the left) gave the thumbs up with Fundis’ Juha Markkanen, Erik Forss and Seppo Kuusinen.